Dear Fellow Networker,
Today I want to share with you an article I have read in our local newspaper.
The story goes; that when you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door. This does not seem to be the case in what follows!
A marketer has developed a new concept for packaging eggs. The packaging is biodegradable and do not need a polystyrene or plastic shrink-wrap, instead of the normal paper Mache cartons, his boxes and tops are spring-loaded. The whole process of making the packs is eco friendly, the technology is electrically driven, so, no green house gasses and all the material is biodegradable.
The new packaging is strong and can take rough handling, the eggs are better protected and there are no pressure points, which means fewer breakages and they also look great on the shelves of stores.
Other benefits to the customer are that the eggs are fully ventilated because of the absence of shrink-wrap; eggs need to breathe to stay fresh because they sweat in an enclosed atmosphere, which in summer encourages the growth of bacteria and fungus.
For the distributor there are energy savings, it is biodegradable unlike shrink-wrap, which also uses oil in its manufacture, it is discarded and end up in landfalls and rivers.
A 30 pack off eggs was held at a 90degree angle and no eggs fell out, so the packaging is very secure as well. When 30 dozen eggs were packed in a bakkie (truck), and driven over very bad roads, not one was broken. Cost of production is about 50% of the normal cost. The same packaging could also be adapted to suit other products, seeing that the product could be made waterproof by adding an eco – friendly chemical.
In our day and age, more excuses than answers were received from suppliers due to scanning procedures and more. If you consider that in South Africa alone three million tons of shrink-wrap is used yearly just for packaging eggs, think what resources it could save elsewhere.
What do you think, shouldn`t distributors be running to use and implement this eco friendly packaging, and stop making excuses. To me it`s double standards from Distributors and Manufacturers alike.
Your comments will be appreciated. If you would like to have more information on the product e-mail me at
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Francois du Toit