I joined this awesome affiliate program awhile ago
[Traffic Payouts] and I am making money regularly in promoting the website.
I've already made a few sales through my promotion and other advertising efforts, which was as simple as having a banner or a text ad on one of my sites! (such as
This site converts like crazy and I feel this is one of the greatest payouts I've seen so far on the net, and believe me...I've been around! Get yourself a piece of the pie!
It is free to join and the back office with it's helpful and easy to navigate format has been great to track ads, get promotional material etc.
Here are a few of the benefits when joining:
* A wide selection of proven, converting campaigns that is continually updated with the internets highest converting offers.
* Higher payouts… up to 75%
* Less waiting… Highly competitive payout times
* Flexible payout methods… more choices!
* A highly available and responsive team ready to answer any questions you might have.
* A secure, intelligent sign up process.
* Becoming a $30,000/month+ Super Affiliate
Why not give this a try? It's free to join, you got nothing to loose really. There are currently some bonuses and prizes going out like plasma TV's, large flat screen pc monitors, notebooks..etc The prize's change so i can not give you the details. See the site for more info.
Traffic PayoutsTo Your Success
Snakeair (Derek)